A 60-year-old man was arraigned at Loitoktok Law Court for defiling two minors aged 13 and 7 years on June 13, 2023, at Kimana Trading Center when they went to his house for water.

Appearing before Senior Principal Magistrate Esther Kimilu, Paul Mwandu Njoroge is also facing alternative charges of committing indecent acts with the minors.

 On the day in question, she and her sister were on their way to school when they went to the accused's house for water.

Furthermore, when inside the house, the accused asked them to sit on the sofa before giving them water.

However, once given water the accused closed the door and started undressing before them.

The girl pleaded with him to let them go to school however, they started getting drowsy from the water they drank.

Thus, the accused is said to have taken the older girl to his bedroom, where he defiled her. After the ordeal, she was threatened by the accused as she tried to scream and escape through the window before going to her sister and started touching her private parts.

Meanwhile, the girl saw a teacher passing and alerted her, and when she arrived, she alerted the school head and the accused was arrested, and the two minors were escorted to Kimana police station then later to Loitoktok Sub County Hospital for medical examination.

The accused was charged with the offence before he was arraigned at Loitoktok law court, where he denied the allegations. Hence, the matter was set for defense hearing on March 26.