President William Ruto says he is content with how affordable fertilizer is distributed and has urged the process to be hastened due to increased rainfall nationwide.

He assured farmers nationwide that there was enough stock to meet their needs.The head of state said he is dedicated to ensuring adequate food production to sustain additional livelihoods.


During an unexpected visit to the Eldoret National Cereals and Produce Board Depot in Uasin Gishu County, the head of state said that his government is reducing the cost of fertilizers to tackle food insecurity

 "We are reducing the cost of farm inputs to tackle hunger." He said

He warned that individuals responsible for selling fake fertilizers would face the law.

"We will deal with fraudsters trying to undermine our food production program by selling fake fertilizer," he said.

The President said he would keep advocating for reducing fertilizer prices to make farming more profitable.

“And we do not want to confine this to maize cultivation. We are broadening our range of crops so that our earnings can go up.”

According to the President, farming may be a profitable endeavour.

"It is possible for agriculture to drive our industrialisation and spur our exports."