A young man from Kenya named Collo who worked in security at Seef Lusail in Qatar lost his life tragically leaving his family in grief.

A friend recounted the heartbreaking tale on TikTok. On April 6th, Collo, while at work, accidentally dropped his phone into the water. Without hesitation, he leaped into the water to retrieve it.

However, the situation took a tragic turn. The water's current proved too powerful, and Collo struggled to resurface. Despite the efforts of his friends to assist him, they were unable to rescue him.

Collo's courageous effort to retrieve his phone ended in tragedy, leaving his loved ones and friends in profound grief.

As Collo's loved ones grieve his loss, they grapple with the painful void left by his absence. Yet, they find solace in treasured memories and the enduring impact he made during his time with them.

Kenyan woman Grace Jioms is devastated by the loss of her friend Collins, who tragically drowned while attempting to retrieve his phone from the water in Qatar.

The incident occurred during Collins' night shift at a security company where he had recently started working after relocating to Qatar. Grace, along with other friends and fellow Kenyans in Qatar, mourns his passing deeply.

According to Grace, Collins had posted a WhatsApp status update featuring her a few days before the accident, which she now realizes was his way of bidding farewell. She expressed her sorrow on TikTok, lamenting the loss of her friend and recalling the heart-wrenching sight of his lifeless body.

Collins' body currently rests at Alkhor Mortuary in Qatar, but it will be repatriated to Kenya for burial in two weeks' time.

In response to the news, netizen Gloriah Rakell expressed disbelief and sorrow, recounting the shock of receiving the message informing her of Collins' passing and urging others to respond to his texts.