Millie Odhiambo, Member of Parliament for Suba North, has expressed concern about an increase in hippo attacks and killings on several beaches in Homa Bay County. 

The legislator has urged the government to intervene quickly through the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), citing the deaths of many members of her constituency due to hippo attacks. 

Despite complaints from residents and local leaders, no action has been taken to control the rogue hippos that threaten fishermen and other beachgoers in Suba North.

A grade eight student was killed by a hippo on Rusinga Island's Litare beach on Sunday evening while washing clothes near the lakeshore. 

The MP threatened to mobilize the community to take the law into their own hands if the government failed to control the hippos.

Students in Sikri village, Suba North Constituency, cannot attend school because of the hippo threat. 

As water levels rise in the area, hippos invade villages.