Police in Muhoroni have launched investigations into the cause of an incident where an 18-year-old girl committed suicide by hanging herself on Thursday evening in Biafra village in Kisumu County.

According to reports, neighbors shockingly discovered the deceased, identified as Christine Anyango, lifeless body dangling from the house roof.

Police were called in and managed to untie the body before taking it to the morgue.

The motive for her action is yet to be established, as no suicide note was left behind

This comes a few days after police in Ugunja launched investigations into the death of a 35-year-old man whose body was found hanging in his rented house in Ugunja town in Siaya County on Saturday morning.

Confirming the incident, Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo said the deceased, Peter Omondi, was discovered by his wife, Roseline Achieng, who reported the incident at Ugunja police station.

 Kimaiyo said Achieng returned home to find the door locked from the inside and unable to enter, Achieng was forced to break the door down only to find her husband hanging from the roof in the sitting room.

Further, he said that upon police arrival, the officers discovered that Omondi had used a mosquito net to take his own life.

Omondi's body, which had no visible injuries, was moved to Ambira Sub-County Hospital Mortuary pending post-mortem.