President Ruto has given an explanation on why he did not travel on KQ. In response to his travel arrangements to the US, the president reiterated his dedication to the prudent use of public funds and since he is the Head of State, he opted to lead by example.

President Ruto's choice of a cost-effective travel option is not just a matter of financial discipline, but a strategic move that underscores his commitment to steer Kenya towards progress. This decision, he asserts, is in line with his broader economic agenda, aimed at addressing challenges and ensuring the optimal use of public resources for the betterment of all Kenyans. 
"Fellow Kenyans, I have noted concerns on my mode of transport to the USA. As a responsible steward of public resources and in keeping with my determination for us to live within our means and that I should lead from the front in so doing, the cost was less than travelling on KQ," said President Ruto.

President Ruto's visit to the US has the potential to secure several beneficial deals for Kenya. Notably, Kenya is poised to establish a significant partnership with the United States, a move that could bring substantial advantages despite Kenya's non-membership in NATO.

US President Joe Biden plans to propose that Kenya become a special ally following discussions with Kenyan President William Ruto. This partnership will involve close collaboration between Kenya and the US on security matters.
NATO, a coalition of countries working together on military endeavors, includes major nations like the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada. Biden's decision would make Kenya the first sub-Saharan African country to establish such a special relationship with NATO.
As part of this partnership, Kenya will receive advanced military equipment from the US and will also contribute to security operations. Even before Kenya formally joins NATO, the US is providing Kenya's police with access to military supplies to support their deployment to Haiti, where they are addressing ongoing challenges.