The government has announced that President William Ruto’s recent US State Visit attracted Kes 1 trillion amid criticism of overspending during the tour.

President Ruto returned to the country on Saturday after a four-day State visit to the United States, where he was hosted by President Joe Biden.

Speaking on X on Sunday, government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura highlighted investments worth Kes 3.2 billion allocated to the ICT Ministry and the donation of 16 helicopters to assist in security and disaster response.

“I don’t want to dwell much on the jet, but I want Kenyans to critically look at what we have gained from the visit,” Mwaura said.

“Truly happy to be back home after a successful visit to the USA. God’s favour was present, real, and evident. Our hosts were generous and considerate. We got what we planned for and more. I thank all Kenyans for the privilege to lead and for prayers, goodwill, and support,” he posted.

In a post on X, Ruto defended his decision to use a luxury private jet for the State Visit, asserting it was a cost-effective choice compared to Kenya Airways (KQ).

The US Embassy clarified last week that it didn’t finance Ruto’s jet. The estimated $1.5 million cost covered the luxurious trip for over 30 delegates, including a popular comedian. The delegation landed in Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday.

Upon his return to Nairobi on Saturday night, President Ruto was welcomed by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki, Head of Public Service Felix Koskey, and top military and police officials.