A catholic priest in Central Florida has been charged with assault after a woman claims he bit her during communion.

According to the woman, the incident began when the priest refused to give her the sacrament.

PHOTO | COURTESY the priest

"He wouldn't give me the wafer. I don't know if it was because of how I was dressed or something else," she said.

A witness stated, "He tried to forcefully put it in her mouth. She pulled back and said, 'No, don't do that,' and tried to take it herself. That's when he went berserk."

The priest denied the woman's version of events but admitted that he did bite her, but it was all in self-defense.

He stated that the woman had attended an earlier Mass but did not appear to know how to take communion properly, so he refused her the Eucharist.

According to the priest, the conflict occurred when she returned for a later Mass and reached for many communion wafers.

PHOTO | COURTESY the victim of the assault

"I am not judging you. I am asking if you confessed after Mass. If you did not confess, I cannot give you communion. I did bite her, I'm not denying that. I was defending myself and the sacrament," he stated.

The priest emphasized that his actions were meant to "protect the sacrament."