Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has promised to educate the 11-year-old Princess Angel, who recited a poem during the Akurinu National Prayers Conference in Nakuru on Sunday.

When he and his spouse, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, hosted Angel at his official Residence in Karen on Tuesday, he said identifying and supporting talent to fruition is important in uplifting those at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid.

“We cant allow that talent to go to waste. We have secured an admission at Utawala Academy; she will join immediately.”

Angel appreciated the Deputy President's kind gesture of hosting her alongside her mother, Ann Kariuki, for breakfast and offering to support her education.

“I am very excited meeting Riggy G. I had longed for moment. I say, thank you Deputy President for identifying my talent. I promise to work hard and become a heavyweight lawyer, Nisaidie watoto walio na talanta lakininhawana uwezo wa kuziendeleza (to support young talent from underprivileged backgrounds),” Angel said.

Angel encouraged other children to come out and showcase their talent, which may propel them to their destiny.

Her mother lauded the Deputy President and his Spouse for hosting them, saying the visit to the Residence is a dream coming true.

“Angel is very sharp. She has asked me to work with her in drafting the poem on the President and his Deputy. Within minutes, she had perfected and mastered it. My input was negligible; she led the process. I am grateful the Deputy President has offered to help us,” she said.

Angel stole the show on Sunday by profusely reciting a poem during the church event attended by President Ruto, his Deputy Gachagua, Nakuru Governor Susana Kihika, among other prominent politicians, and the Akurinu faithful.