Nairobi County Governor Johnson Sakaja has surpassed City Hall’s all-time revenue record of Kes 12.1 billion set under the devolved unit’s inaugural Governor Evans Kedero.

According to the County’s projections on Thursday, the Sakaja administration could hit Kes 13 billion by the end of the financial year 2023/24, having realized Kes 12,123,748,822 against the Sh12,123,144,225 record under Kidero.

Nairobi Revenue Office surpassed the record at 12.30 pm on Wednesday when revenues surpassed the Kidero-era milestone.

“This marks a landmark as City Hall has collected the highest revenue since the advent of devolution in Kenya,” Nairobi County said.

City Hall noted the record was particularly encouraging given flood-induced business shutdowns witnessed at the height of El Nino rains.

Governor Sakaja’s administration had set a target of Kes 19.9 billion for the financial year.

City Hall partly attributed the increased revenues to reforms instituted by Sakaja.

Among the reforms is implementing a Unified Business Permit (UBP) introduced to streamline revenue mobilization and cut on pilferage.