President William Ruto has condemned the attack at Makadara Law Courts on Thursday that led to the death of Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti.

Speaking on Sunday, on his X page, the Head of State described her demise as “unacceptable” and something that should never happen again.

“The confrontation, threats, or attacks of any form against judicial officers are unacceptable, criminal, and an affront to the rule of law.”

Further, he called upon the police to remain faithful to their oath of service.

Chief Justice Martha Koome on Saturday confirmed that  Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti  died at Nairobi Hospital, where she was transferred for special care from Metropolitan Hospital.

According to the CJ, she succumbed to injuries sustained from a shooting incident involving a Senior Police officer on Thursday.

"I wish to confirm to the Nation that Hon. Monica Kivuti, Principal Magistrate, Makadara Law Courts, has lost the fight against the extensive injuries sustained during an open gun attack in Court,” the CJ said.

The Judiciary family stands in solidarity during this deeply traumatic time and calls for sensitivity and compassion as we share in grief. May Hon. Kivuti’s soul rest in eternal peace.”