Nairobi County Governor Johnson Sakaja launched the construction of the Kihumbuini Stadium in Kangengi Sub-county, a project valued at Kes 277 million.

Speaking during Thursday's groundbreaking ceremony, Sakaja said the stadium will be built to international standards to enhance soccer in Nairobi.

This stadium will create numerous opportunities. The county will generate revenue, and local residents will have the chance to start businesses around the busy stadium once it is completed.”

Further, he revealed that Nairobi County currently earns over Kes 1 million monthly from Dandora Stadium, which hosts the Kenyan soccer league.

He also mentioned plans to construct additional stadiums across the county, with some already under construction and others scheduled for the next financial year.

These stadiums include Umoja Tena Complex, Jericho, Ziwani, Woodley, Highrise, Kawangware BP, and Joe Kadenge.