A Loitoktok court has sentenced a 39-year-old man to one-year imprisonment after he was found guilty of possessing 80kgs of Zebra meat in the Eskut Area.

Appearing before Senior Principal Magistrate Esther Kimilu, the prosecution said that the accused was arrested by officers from Maasai Wilderness Conservancy Trust after an alert from their counterparts from Big life conservancy after receiving intelligence report of a suspect with zebra meat.

 The team laid an ambush along possible routes of the suspect and the accused was arrested while transporting the meat while packed in a drum using a motor bike.

The officers suspected the accused was intending to vend the meat to unsuspecting customers since he had a knife for cutting the meat

Further, the prosecution revealed that the accused is not a first offender since he had earlier been arrested with the same offence.

The accused has 14 days to appeal against the sentence.