Citizens from Bondo and Msambweni Constituencies marched to their respective Member of Parliament offices to seek an explanation for their votes during the Finance Bill 2024 discussion in Parliament.

Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda and his Msambweni counterpart, Feisal Bader, voted in favor of the contentious Finance Bill 2024.

The choice has enraged their electorates, with many asking who sent their putative representative to vote 'YES.'

In Bondo, irate citizens carried a coffin and chanted 'Ochanda must go' and 'Rest in Peace Ochanda' outside the MP's office.


A video released on social media networks shows the outraged people demanding to be addressed as the casket read #Reject Finance Bill 2024.

 A group of teenagers in Msamweni, Kwale county, visited their MP and asked for explanations as to why the member voted in favor of the Bill and who he claimed to represent.

The now-viral video showed the youngsters demonstrating outside the strongly secured office, where armed cops stood watch while the youth waited for the politician to appear and address them.

On Thursday, the controversial Bill passed the Second Reading in the National Assembly, with 204 MPs voting in favor and 115 voting against it.

The voting occurred under severe police blockades that prevented protestors from accessing Parliament.