The government has revealed that the Kenyan force will leave for Haiti on June 25 to lead a UN-backed mission to tackle gang violence, despite court challenges against it.

Kenya offered to send about 1,000 police to stabilize Haiti alongside personnel from several other countries.

"The departure is this week on Tuesday," an interior ministry official told Citizen Digital on a condition of anonymity.

"Preparations are set for the team to depart for Haiti on Tuesday. We already have two advance teams that left -- one last week and another one yesterday,” the source said.

A UN Security Council resolution in October approved the mission but a Kenyan court in January delayed the deployment.

The Court said the Kenyan government had no authority to send police officers abroad without a prior agreement.

The government secured that agreement on March 1 but a small opposition party in Kenya has filed a fresh lawsuit to try to block it.

Haiti has long been rocked by gang violence but conditions sharply worsened at the end of February when armed groups launched coordinated attacks in the capital Port-au-Prince, saying they wanted to overthrow then prime minister Ariel Henry.

Henry announced in early March that he would step down and hand over executive power to a transitional council, which named Garry Conille as the country's interim prime minister on May 29.

The violence in Port-au-Prince has affected food security and humanitarian aid access, with much of the city in the hands of gangs accused of abuses including murder, rape, looting and kidnappings.