Police in Siaya County are investigating an incident where 25-year-old George Nyaginde Amenya was found dead in his mother’s kitchen in Ugenya, Siaya County.

According to police, the deceased was allegedly assaulted in the Nyalenya sub-location located in Uyunya.

Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo confirmed the incident, saying the matter was reported at the Aboke police patrol base.

“The matter was reported by the Chief of Uyunya location Joachim Odhiambo Oyilo.”

Police officers visited the scene at the Nyalenya sub-location and found the body moved to his mother’s living room.

Further, he said that the body had bruises on both knees. The right knee had a bandage.

“The deceased was under medication after he was allegedly assaulted by unknown people on Friday.”

The body was taken to a private mortuary in Siaya town, awaiting postmortem.