Khalif Kairo, a well-known car dealer and businessman from Nairobi, created a lengthy video targeting President William Ruto following what is going on in the country. This action followed the abduction of influencer Shady during demonstrations, treating him as if he were a criminal.

In a strongly-worded message directed at President William Ruto, Khalif Kairo expressed deep dismay. He criticized the president for what he described as dictatorial behavior, condemning the arrests of individuals by DCI officers merely for participating in demonstrations, likening them to common thieves.

Addressing the president directly, Kairo asserted that young people are fearless and do not rely on singular leaders. He emphasized that even if individuals are detained, the collective force of 20 million youths cannot be suppressed. Kairo declared that the time for revolution has come, with youth ready to mobilize and enact change in the country.

Khalif Kairo called upon every youth and all patriotic Kenyans to participate in the scheduled demonstrations on Tuesday. He outlined the plan to first occupy the parliament and subsequently move to the statehouse.