Azimio-aligned MPs have withdrawn all amendments previously slated for inclusion in the Finance Bill, 2024.

These 13 amendments were part of the 37 filed by 31 MPs ahead of the committee stage for the Finance Bill, 2024.

National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi stated that the amendments were withdrawn following a meeting of Azimio MPs on Monday due to their perceived futility.

"You must take cognizant of the huge numbers of amendments that have been withdrawn and it is good to put that into context," Wandayi said.

"For the benefit of the members of the public, you can see these amendments that have been dropped emanated from the Azimio coalition as a result of extensive consultations."

The MP stated that Azimio reached "this painful conclusion because we deemed it futile to sanitize an exercise that we have consistently labeled as fraudulent."

Speaker Moses Wetang'ula clarified that the amendments were submitted by individual members and not on behalf of the coalition.

"The amendments withdrawn are not your amendments, none of them belongs to you," Wetang'ula told Wandayi.

"I have not received any communication from anyone who has withdrawn their amendments that they have asked you to speak on their behalf."

The MPs are considering every clause of the Bill in the committee of the whole.

The lawmakers will present themselves at the designated time during the committee of the whole to formally withdraw their amendments.

Among the MPs who have submitted amendments to the Finance Bill are Peter Salasya (Mumias East), Paul Nzengu (Mwingi North), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), John Wanjiku (Kiambaa), Emmanuel Wangwe (Navakholo), and Peter Kaluma (Homabay Town).

Others include Mukunji Gitonga (Manyatta), Beatrice Elachi (Dagoretti North), Farah Yussuf (Wajir West), Clive Gisairo (Kitutu Masaba), Anthony Oluoch (Mathare), Gathoni Wamuchomba (Githunguri), and Irene Mayaka (Nominated).

Additionally, Caleb Amisi (Saboti), Wakili Edward (Gatanga), Kwenya Thuku (Kinangop), Michael Muchira (Ol Joro Orok), Danson Mwashako (Wundanyi), Joshua Kimilu (Kaiti), Rindikiri Mugambi (Buuri), Mary Maingi (Mwea), Patrick Makau (Mavoko), and Mwingi West MP Charles Ngusya are also part of those withdrawing amendments.

Others scheduled to propose amendments include Mark Mwenje (Embakasi West), Leah Sankaire (Kajiado County), Martin Owino (Ndhiwa), T.J. Kajwang’ (Ruaraka), Samuel Atandi (Alego Usonga), Wilberforce Oundo (Funyula), Wanjiku Muhia (Kipipiri), and Makali Mulu (Kitui Central).

Yatta MP Robert Basil and Umulkher Harun (nominated) are also among those set to table amendments to the Finance Bill on Tuesday.

Suba South's Millie Odhiambo (ODM) has filed a notice with the clerk to withdraw her initial amendments.