In light of the nationwide demonstrations against the Finance Bill, the Defence Council has requested permission to deploy the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), and the National Assembly has called a special session to consider this request.

The action will be in accordance with Article 241 of the Constitution, which requires approval from Parliament before deployment of KDF is enacted, according to the Supplementary Order Paper scheduled for Wednesday, June 26.

The Defense Council made a request on Wednesday, and the motion was then sent to Parliament.

"THAT, pursuant to Article 241(3)(c) of the Constitution and sections 31(1)(b), 31(1)(c) and 32 of the Kenya Defence Forces Act, Cap. 199, this House accedes to the request of the Defence Council dated 26th June 2024 and, in the interest of national security, APPROVES the deployment of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) in support of the National Police Service in various parts of the Republic of Kenya affected by ongoing violent protests that have caused destruction to critical infrastructure until normalcy is restored," the notice reads in part.

In addition, Parliament decided to adjourn on Wednesday and return to regular sessions on Tuesday, July 23 at 2:30 p.m.

This comes after the #OccupyParliament demonstrations on Tuesday, during which young people stormed the House and caused mayhem.

The ceremonial mace, which represents the legislature's power, was taken, and portions of the parliament building were set on fire and vandalized.

Protesters have promised to carry out their #OccupyStateHouse plan on Thursday in order to continue the demonstrations.

Speaker Moses Wetangula had originally given his approval to the motion to adjourn the House on Friday for a two-week break.