The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced the launch of an appeal for 742 intern teachers to be dismissed due to a recent work boycott.

TSC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Nancy Macharia also announced plans to secure permanent jobs and pensionable contracts for junior secondary school (JSS) intern teachers currently serving in schools.

When she welcomed 545 newly promoted principals attending their first meeting, she revealed that more teachers will be promoted during the 2024/2025 financial year.

“We thank the Government for allocating us Kes 1 billion to promote additional teachers and address backlog. As principals, I urge you to encourage eligible teachers in your schools to apply for vacancies once advertised.”

Further, she commended all teachers for their efficient work, which ensured smooth operations throughout the academic year.

She also emphasized the importance of preparing adequately for incoming students expected to complete their JSS level next year.

“However, as Heads of Institutions, you play a critical role in service delivery, particularly to teachers.”