Kakamega County  Governor Fernandes Barasa has condemned the police for using excessive force on Tuesday to contain anti-Finance Bill 2024 protestors.

Governor Barasa said police could have employed other means to control the youth, who were unarmed and were exercising their constitutional right to demonstrate and picket peacefully.

Speaking at the Kakamega General Hospital, where he visited the wounded youths, Barasa said the use of live bullets by police had led to the death of two innocent residents, a 35-year-old woman from Ikolomani who was selling vegetables and a 33-year-old young man.

Further, he expressed his condolences to the bereaved families and assured them of the county government's support in meeting the funeral expenses.
He also said two youths were injured during the demonstrations and are receiving treatment and ready to be discharged from the Kakamega General Hospital.

The two include a 22-year-old youth who had some injuries and a 19-year-old who is nursing gunshot wounds.

“I have also checked into the hospital where the wounded are receiving treatment and I have waived the hospital fees and charges.”

Nevertheless, he said that some unruly people took advantage of the situation to cause chaos and destroyed over 18 vehicles of the county government and burned down others while also targeting government infrastructure, including offices.

He warned the youth to always restrain themselves when they demonstrate to avoid clashing with the police, who would then be forced to use too much force.