Workers in Oscar Sudi's Timba XO  club in Eldoret have suffered significant setback after the club's shut down.


This incident follows the closure of the club and the dismissal of approximately 200 employees, following vandalism by anti-Finance Bill protestors on June 25, coinciding with the parliament invasion.

Armed with crude weapons and stones, angry youths ravaged the premises, shattering glass walls and windows. Some of the protesters looted high-end TV sets, alcohol, and even gas cookers. Police, who were overwhelmed, watched the unfolding incident in dismay.

These unfortunate events occurred just two months after the club's grand opening, which was attended by various MPs allied with the government.

Oscar Sudi disclosed that he invested a substantial Kshs 200 million in establishing the club, condemning the vandalism that led to its closure.

Local residents targeted Sudi's business for supporting the Finance Bill, which President William Ruto subsequently declined to endorse, returning it to parliament for further review, and inviting youths for discussions.

However, the youths have rejected Ruto's invitation for talks, particularly at State House, insisting that he should resign.

Meanwhile, Ruto has expressed his readiness to engage with the younger generation, and he plans to interact with them on Space X this week.

“I am hearing that the young people are saying we don’t want a multisectoral forum, maybe we should have an engagement with the President on X. I am open to having an engagement with the young people on a forum they are comfortable with. If they want me to engage with them on X, I will be there. I want us to discuss taxation, I want us to discuss unemployment, corruption, all issues.

“Tell me who among you will set up the X Space and either Thursday or Friday I will be there. I want us to discuss taxes, unemployment, corruption and all issues,” he said.