According to a video circulating on social media platforms, a Member of Parliament in Ghana is warning other members against enforcing bad laws to avoid being beaten by the public, as happened in Kenya.

In the video, the MP mentions that they received these reports from the globally recognized media outlet, CNN.

Ghanaian member of Parliament wass heard asking his colleagues not to pass a bill that will have ripple effect like what is happening in Kenya.

For the past three weeks, the youth of Kenya have been organizing demonstrations across cities and towns nationwide.

Last week, angry protestors stormed Parliament after MPs passed the controversial Finance Bill.

According to reports, the demonstrators were specifically targeting MPs who had voted in favor of the bill, forcing the MPs to escape through an underground tunnel leading to Bunge Towers.

The protests reportedly resulted in extensive damage to properties owned by several members of parliament, vandalism of government resources, and the loss of many lives.