A 24-year-old man has been arrested after he made a video of verbally abusing President Samia Suluhu Hassan and then burning a picture of her.

Mr Benjamin Kuzaga, the Regional Police Commander for Mbeya, confirmed on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, that the event occurred on June 30 in Ntokela Village, Rungwe District.

PHOTO | COURTESY President Samia Suluhu

Chaula, a resident of Ntokela Village, Ndato Ward, was found guilty of burning President Samia Suluhu Hassan's portrait, which is considered immoral in Tanzania.

“The suspect is an artist who committed the offense of burning a picture depicting President Samia Suluhu Hassan. Such actions are contrary to the laws and cultural norms of our country,” stated Kuzaga. The police did not, however, state which laws were broken.

Matojo Cossota, a lawyer based in Dar es Salaam, commented on the topic, saying that burning a president's image does not violate any laws; however, if the conduct is published on social media or made public, the accused may face further charges, such as inciting hatred.

PHOTO | COURTESY president Samia Suluhu

Mr Juma Homera, Mbeya Regional Commissioner, directed the police to capture Chaula after a video clip emerged online showing him making disparaging statements about the President and burning her image.

“After identifying the video clip showing the suspect’s offensive statements and actions, we initiated an investigation and subsequently apprehended him,” added Kuzaga.

The police are questioning Chaula to determine the motivations behind his conduct while investigations are underway to obtain further evidence.

“We are preparing the case file for submission to the Prosecutor’s Office to ensure the suspect faces the full extent of the law for his offenses against the President, which include burning her portrait and disseminating offensive content online,” explained Kuzaga.

PHOTO | COURTESY President Samia Suluhu

Juma Homera denounced Chaula's activities, emphasizing that such conduct towards national leaders is unacceptable.

Resident Salma Ally expressed her alarm over the incident and encouraged authorities to take urgent action to prevent such incidents.

“The seriousness of this incident cannot be overstated. It is unacceptable for anyone to publicly insult our Head of State and commit such disrespectful acts,” remarked Ally.