Finlays Tea Company has called out for the removal of the Director of Toror Tea Factory, John Chebochok, following allegations of sexual harassment against women.

In a letter directed to the Kenya Tea Development Association’s (KTDA) senior management, Finlay’s Corporate Affairs Director Ben Woolf warned that the company will not continue purchasing tea from the factory unless action is taken against Chebochok.

Further, he highlighted that the sexual abuse allegation made against Chebakok ‘in the BBC documentary of February 2023’ prompted Finlay to report and terminate his contract with the company. 

However, he revealed that no action had been taken against him by the authorities.

“Please be aware that we will not be able to continue to purchase tea from the Toror Tea factory while Mr Chebochok holds the role of the director. We are monitoring this situation closely and trust you will take swift and decisive action on this matter. We look forward to receiving your urgent response.

He also said that the director's retention would compromise the customer/ supplier relationship, risking the reputation of the KTDA and the tea industry in the country.

However, in response to the matter, KTDA says it does not have the mandate to dismiss Chebochok. Rather, it claims that the Toror factory shareholders are fully responsible for making the final decision.

“He was elected by one of the 6 electoral areas of the factory on 28June 2024 and the shareholders of the factory will have to make the final decision on a special general meeting on whether to accept him as the factory manager or not,"  KTDA added.