President William Ruto's daughter Charlene has faced backlash on social media following her recent remarks that angered some users.

Charlene addressed the press on behalf of Kenyan youth on Wednesday. Speaking alongside a group of young people, she emphasized that it is high time for Kenyan youth to stop allowing themselves to be misused.

According to Charlene, young people should not allow anyone to speak on their behalf or misuse their identity as youths to divert them from the support they need.

She emphasized that the youth have been receiving support from the government and should remain loyal to it. She urged them not to be influenced by external forces to oppose the current administration.

"There are many ways to engage with the young people and I have been doing this for years. The government has put together multisectoral forums to formalize this. Why are we not acknowledging these sectors working with young people? " she posed

As young people, we won’t allow anybody to use our name to misalign and put us away from the right support that we need because for us to flourish as youths, we need the support of the private sector and the government and that is why we have to stand behind our current government," she added.

However, her remarks attracted backlash from social media users, who questioned who elected Charlene to be their spokesperson. Here are some of the comments from X:

Below are screnshots of varying comments from X users;