Speaking on June Ruto's appointment as Director of Foreign Services and Participant at the National Defence College, Defence CS Adan Duale  clarify that June Ruto was a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was one of 67 students who began their classes. Duale said that June was among three individuals nominated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to undertake the one-year national security strategy program.

Mr.Duale explained that the program, which he opened on Wednesday has participants from other departments in government, including Kenya Defence Forces officers.

“June Ruto, the daughter of the President and staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the 67 students who have started their classes today. She is among the three that were nominated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to do the one-year National Security Strategy that Foreign Affairs, Immigration, KRA, EACC, NIS, DPP, and Ministry of Health among another 29 KDF officers at the rank of Colonel joined,” Duale said on Citizen TV.

He went on to say that her participation in the program is one of the many lies and propaganda being peddled around about the current administration.

“We have 67 students that joined this academic year. It’s a one-year program and June Ruto is one of the students. This is part of the fake news and propaganda,” he said.

Before Duale’s clarification, reports had earlier said that June, in addition to joining the National Defence college program had also been appointed as the new director of Foreign Services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."The ones who are saying RutoMustGo are the same people who were saying before the elections Ruto will not become the President and they have not recovered from that Ruto is now the President and Ruto is changing the country," Aden Duale.

Kenyan activist Boniface Mwangi has questioned the government's decision to send young people to work in other countries.

Commenting on the appointment of June Ruto, Mwangi argued that the government should focus on employing Kenyans within the country.