Murang’a County is constructing new health centers and dispensaries in rural areas to decongest the county-level 5 and 4 health facilities.

Murang’a Governor Irungu Kang’ata has revealed that his government is renovating and improving service delivery in several health centers to ensure that only referral cases are dealt with at the county-level 5 hospitals.

Currently, our level four hospitals, including Maragua Rural, Muriranjas, Bildad Kagia, and the county level 5 facility located in Murang’a town, have been receiving a huge number of patients, and a majority of the cases can be handled in health centres and dispensaries.

Speaking when he launched Kiangage dispensary,  he disclosed that the county government is targeting to construct 80 new dispensaries to bring the total to 200, pointing out that this will ensure the locals have access to primary health care.

“In the current financial year, we have allocated Kes 180 million for rehabilitation and construction of health facilities and an additional Kes 300 million for the procurement of drugs. Even though the money is not enough, I will ensure it is prudently utilised,” said Kang’ata.

In addition, he disclosed that the county is working to complete the when he launched the Kiangage the Makenji area of Kandara Sub County and the Kigumo level 4 facility, saying the two hospitals will hugely boost health care service delivery in the county.

“The hospital is being relocated to a newly constructed building in the Makenji area from its rented premises in Kenol. The facility will serve the residents from the counties within Murang’a south region,” he said.