President Trump was shot six minutes into his address at an outdoor event in Butler, Pennsylvania, as he discussed immigration.

Suddenly, a series of "pops" sounded like gunshots. Trump instantly gripped his right ear, examined the blood on his palm, and collapsed to the ground behind the platform.


The audience yelled, and the people in the stands behind him squatted.

A half-dozen Secret Service personnel rushed onto the platform and converged on and around Trump, who was kneeling behind the microphone. Other law enforcement officials, armed with weapons, also took the platform.

There was a second round of purported gunfire.

The Secret Service members held Trump on the ground for 25 seconds. Someone shouted, "Shooter is down!"


As the throng continued to scream, someone else cried, "Move!"

The agents helped Trump to his feet, his red "Make America Great Again" baseball cap no longer on his head, his hair disheveled, his ear wounded, and blood streaks smeared across his face.

Let me fetch my sneakers. "Let me get my shoes," Trump pleaded as the agents hoisted him off the ground. He then yelled, "Wait, wait, wait!" before pumping his fist.

One agent lifted his arm above Trump's head to protect it from more rounds. Trump proceeded to pump his fists at the audience, mouthing "fight." 

As Secret Service agents surrounded Trump and ushered him into a neighboring black SUV.