Police in Eldoret halted a youth demonstration in support of former Roads CS Kipchumba Murkomen on Wednesday. The group, carrying placards, was marching along Kisumu Road towards the CBD when police intervened.

Area OCPD Edward Masibo led the police in stopping the protest, citing a lack of prior notification as required by law. Despite this, the youth leaders were permitted to hold a brief meeting before dispersing.

William Cherais, one of the youth leaders, expressed their strong support for Murkomen's reappointment to the Cabinet. "We urge the President to reappoint Murkomen to the Cabinet because he had done a good job," Cherais stated.

The youth also backed President William Ruto's claim that the nationwide youth protests were being funded by some international organizations.

After several speeches from the youth leaders, the group peacefully dispersed before reaching the town center.

This event occurred just days after another group of youths celebrated Murkomen's dismissal from the Cabinet by cutting a cake in the town.