The National Police Service has stated that it has credible intelligence indicating that organized criminal groups plan to infiltrate Thursday's demonstrations. The police have reaffirmed their commitment to respecting the sanctity of human life while addressing the nationwide protests. However, they have banned any demonstrations within Nairobi CBD and its surrounding areas on Thursday.

In a statement released Wednesday evening, Acting Police IG Douglas Kanja expressed regret that what began as peaceful demonstrations has resulted in the loss of lives and the destruction of property due to criminal infiltration.

"While the constitution under Article 37, provides for the right to assemble and picket to present petitions to public authorities, the constitution equally provides for the critical role the NPS plays in the national security of our country," Kanja's statement reads in part.

Kanja further stated that the National Police Service has received credible intelligence indicating that some organized criminal groups plan to exploit the protests scheduled for Thursday, July 18, 2024, to carry out attacks and engage in looting.

"The lack of designated leadership in previous demonstrations has made it difficult to ensure safety protocols. As a result, no demonstrations will be permitted in the Nairob Central Bussiness District and its surroundings until further notice to ensure public safety," the statement reads in part.

Kanja also urged the public to cooperate with the police to ensure order is maintained within the Nairobi CBD on Thursday.

"We therefore appeal to members of the public to remain vigilant in crowded areas and to support our collective safety and security by sharing any information that may aid the police in crime detection and prevention," he said.

The statement follows Tuesday's protests, which turned chaotic in parts of the country, resulting in isolated cases of injuries from clashes between security forces and protesters.

Three people, including a journalist, were allegedly shot during the anti-government protests in Nakuru.

In Machakos, a group of protesters attempted to storm the police station to free a colleague who had allegedly been arrested, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

In Kericho Town, a group of youths allegedly hired to prevent the demonstrations vanished after being repelled by protesters.

In Mlolongo, Machakos County, two people were shot dead, and five motorcycles were torched during Tuesday's anti-government demonstrations. The two men reportedly succumbed to bullet injuries allegedly inflicted by police officers deployed to quell the protests.

Additionally, two people were reported shot dead, and many sustained bullet injuries during anti-government demonstrations in Kibwezi, Makueni County, on Tuesday.