Anti- Riots police are patrolling the streets of nairobi in the chilly weather hours after the acting Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja banned protests in the CBD until further notice.

According to a press release by the police service commission, they allege that the protesters have no leader leading the protests and that goons are using the opportunity to infiltrate the movement to destroy and loot.

“As a result, no demonstrations will be permitted in the Nairobi Central Business District and its surroundings until further notice to ensure public safety,” he said.

PHOTO | COURTESY Acting Inspector General Douglas Kanja

“In keeping with our Constitutional role and in the interest of national security, we wish to inform the public that we have credible intelligence that organized criminal groups are planning to take advantage of the ongoing pretests to execute their attacks including looting,” he said Wednesday evening.

Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua has criticized the move by the police, saying that they have no right to permit demos and that their role is to offer security.