Four people tragically lost their lives in Kyuso ward, Mwingi North, after consuming a popular illicit liquor in the region, while Seven others are receiving treatment at Mwingi Level 4 Hospital.

Area chief Kasyoka Kilonzi confirmed the heartbreaking incident. Survivors reported to the media that they were puzzled by the situation, as they had previously bought similar drinks from the same seller without issue.

There are suspicions that the drink was poisoned during fermentation, as it was stored in drums hidden in a thicket to avoid police detection.

The owner of the drinking establishment is also admitted to Mwingi Level 4 Hospital. Those who consumed the tainted beverage experienced immediate and severe symptoms, including high fever, stomachaches, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The bodies of the deceased have been transferred to the Mwingi Level 4 Hospital mortuary for further investigation.