Patrick Aranduh was sworn in as the new Commissioner General of Prisons on Wednesday at State House, Nairobi. The oath of office was administered by Deputy State House Comptroller Josephat Nanok in the presence of President William Ruto.

President Ruto commended Aranduh for his competence and expressed confidence in his ability to lead the Kenya Prisons Service in implementing various reforms. "I am confident that the responsibilities assigned to you by virtue of this appointment are merited. The Prisons Service is looking forward to your leadership in making sure that our correctional services are managed appropriately in the best interest of the country," said Ruto. He also pledged his full support and that of the government.

The Ruto administration's plans for the prison service include improving housing for prison officers and increasing their salaries, along with those of other police officers. "This month, the Prisons men and women will have their first salary increment installment together with the other security agencies," said Ruto. He had previously pledged a 40% salary increase for police officers, based on recommendations from a task force on police reforms chaired by former Chief Justice David Maraga.

Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo confirmed in February that the salary increase would begin in July and be implemented gradually over the next three years. The Prison Service will also participate in the government's national tree-planting initiative and food production efforts. "I expect you to make sure that every arable piece of land under the Prisons Service is put under food production to supply food to the service and by extension the country," Ruto told Aranduh.

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and PS Omollo. President Ruto appointed Aranduh on July 12 to succeed John Warioba, who has gone on terminal leave.