The National Assembly has accused the Senate of weakening the Conflict of Interest Bill 2024, undermining its ability to combat graft in public service.

After the National Assembly initially approved the Bill, it was sent to the Senate for concurrence. However, Members of Parliament (MPs) are now set to reject the Senate’s amendments, arguing that these changes weaken the Bill’s stringent measures in fighting corruption.

PHOTO | COURTESY Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah

Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah emphasized the necessity of the Bill in fighting corruption, stating, “We must stand with the people of Kenya. The amendments by the Senate have made this Bill dysfunctional, creating a fertile ground for corruption and conflict of interest to continue taking root in our Republic.”

The National Assembly had designated the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) as the Bill's administrator, empowering it to initiate proceedings for the forfeiture of undeclared assets held by public officers. It also prohibited public and state officers from engaging in activities that could result in conflicts of interest.

PHOTO | COURTESY Kenyan parliament

“The amendments proposed by the Senate are retrogressive and a direct threat to the war on corruption,” warned Muenge Mutuse, Vice Chairperson of the National Assembly Justice and Legal Affairs Committee. He argued that the Senate’s changes would reduce the Bill to an empty shell, allowing corruption to persist.

The Senate’s amendments removed the EACC as the administrator and eliminated provisions related to conflict of interest in several key Acts. This has led to accusations that the Senate hinders the fight against graft.

MP Martha Wangari highlighted the negative impact of the Senate’s amendments on accountability and the fight against corruption at both National and County levels. President William Ruto promised to veto any flawed laws in parliament that dealt with corruption.

The National Assembly has rejected the Senate’s amendments, paving the way for mediation between the two houses.