Nuru Okanga, a fervent supporter of Raila Odinga, launched a fierce criticism of Wycliffe Oparanya during a heated session at Bunge la Mwananchi at Jacaranda Grounds. Okanga condemned Oparanya for accepting a ministerial position from President William Ruto, calling it a betrayal to both his constituents and the Kenyan youth.

Addressing the crowd, Nuru did not mince words. "This is a betrayal to the people he represents and to the Kenyan youth at large," he declared. He argued that, having served as an MP for ten years and a governor for another decade, Oparanya should not take a position that could instead be filled by educated, unemployed youth.

"What does he lack that makes him accept that position?" Nuru questioned, highlighting the significant time Oparanya has already spent in public service. He emphasized that Oparanya has "more than enough" and urged him to live up to his own rhetoric about fighting for the underprivileged and the unemployed.

Oparanya is among the nominated Cabinet Secretaries that were in president Ruto's list. However, some people are not satisfied having the former kakamega governor and others like Hassan Joho as Cabinet Secretaries.

A petition has been filed to block the appointment of opposition-affiliated leaders John Mbadi, Hassan Joho, Opiyo Wandayi, and Wycliffe Oparanya to Cabinet positions. Submitted by Julius Ogogoh through the Commission for Human Rights and Justice, the petition argues that appointing these individuals to Cabinet roles would create a conflict with the opposition’s constitutional duty to oversee the government.

The petition claims that, as members of the official opposition coalition in the National Assembly, these nominees have a constitutional responsibility to monitor and scrutinize the actions of the Executive and other branches of government.