The Baringo County Government has been ordered to submit documentation detailing the agreement involving the county, the Controller of Budget, and the Office of the Auditor General regarding establishing 304 illegal bank accounts.

This directive was issued on Monday when Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi testified before the Senate Committee on Devolution and Intergovernmental Relations.

Governor Cheboi has been given a two-day deadline to comply with this order, as the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act requires.


Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka raised concerns about how the county managed to open so many accounts for operating DANIDA funds, suggesting potential illegal withdrawals.

Nominated Senator Catherine Mumma, the committee's vice-chair, emphasized the importance of county governments adhering to PFM laws to ensure public funds are spent legally.

Governor Cheboi defended the county's actions, explaining that the commercial accounts were opened to manage DANIDA programs per DANIDA's directive for easier auditing. "We had received additional grants following the proper usage," Cheboi stated.