Aden Duale faced dramatic scenes today as he underwent intense questioning from a parliamentary vetting committee over his alleged involvement in a controversial policy mandating the testing of KDF recruits' testicles. Currently being vetted for a senior government position, Duale found himself at the center of a firestorm. The committee pressed him on his role in implementing the so-called "testicles testing" program during his tenure as the Majority Leader in the National Assembly.

The issue first came to light earlier this year when whistleblowers within the Kenyan Defense Forces revealed that new recruits were being subjected to invasive and degrading physical examinations. These exams included the palpation of their testicles to assess their "manliness" and suitability for military service.

The revelations sparked outrage among human rights groups and the Kenyan public, who condemned the practice as a gross violation of the recruits' dignity and constitutional rights.

During today's heated vetting session, Duale, who previously served as the Chair of the Parliamentary Defense and Foreign Relations Committee, found himself in the hot seat as committee members grilled him over his alleged role in sanctioning the controversial policy.

"Mr. Duale, can you explain to this committee why you permitted the implementation of such an abusive and discriminatory practice within the KDF?" demanded Caleb Amisi, one of the vetting panel members.

Visibly flustered, Duale attempted to deflect the questions, claiming he had no direct involvement in the decision-making process. However, the committee members persisted, citing evidence suggesting Duale had been aware of the testicles testing policy and had failed to take action to stop it.

"The records show that you were informed about this issue and yet you did nothing to intervene or hold the responsible parties accountable," said Silas Tiren, another committee member. "How can we trust you to uphold the principles of human dignity and equality if you were complicit in such a demeaning practice?"