Amani National Congress (ANC) has officially agreed to merge with the ruling party, United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

ANC Party leader Governor Issa Timamy attributed the merger to the political temperature in the country.

“Politically, we are at the deep end and we need to hold on to each other so that we get to the shore.”

“ We have had fruitful and consultative discussions, and we unanimously endorsed the idea. As the party leader of ANC, I have been mandated to spearhead the negotiations committee as we engage with our counterparts in the UDA party to chart a way forward for our merger,” he said.

Further, Timamy highlighted the progress made and the full mandate he has received.

“We have completed all necessary constitutional and legal procedures for our party. The next step is to organize a joint congress with our UDA counterparts,” he added.

On his part, ANC Secretary General Omboko Milemba detailed the comprehensive participation in the meeting.

“We’ve met here with virtually all the organs of the party, including Amani Congress and other leadership within our party. We’ve also engaged with all the elected ANC officials, including MCAs and MPs. We are glad to have former ANC Party leader H.E. Dr. Musalia Mudavadi join us for this significant discussion. Today was a session for us to team build and chart a way forward. We’ve unanimously agreed on this direction and look forward to meeting the UDA team to expedite the arrangement and work as one party for the sake of Kenyan unity and the strength of government.”

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, lauded the ANC leaders for their steadfastness.

“Thank you all ANC party leaders for your commitment and presence here. You have made the right decision on how our negotiating team should handle the merger.”

“Time is of the essence. By 2027, the political dynamics will have shifted from those in 2022, and ODM has already changed course. Let us work on these modalities to ensure a more unified merger.”