St. Luke ACK Wote Township Primary and Junior Secondary School in Makueni County has received Kes 3 million from the National government to construct three classrooms to be used by grade 9 next year.

Speaking during Education Day at the school, Makueni Sub County Director of Education Yophesh Magara urged the school administration to start construction immediately so that the classrooms would be ready before the assessment of exams starting this year.

Further, he disclosed that the Ministry of Education is committed to ensuring that learners have a conducive learning environment to improve the quality of education in the area while urging education stakeholders to supplement government efforts.

 “As you know, the Ministry of Education has given Kes3 million for the construction of three classrooms for grade 9 next year. This school has high enrolment and three streams, and I have given you three months to complete the work.”

Similarly, the Sub County Director called on parents to take care of their children during this holiday, noting that it was imperative to keep them busy guiding, counseling, and mentoring them.

At the same time, Magara warned parents against absconding their responsibilities of shaping and disciplining children to teachers, saying they have a big role in their lives.

He also advised children to be disciplined and discouraged them from engaging in vices like drug and substance abuse that would negatively impact their education and lives.

For his part, the school’s Principal, Onesimus Wambua, was sad that the money was in the account and noted that the tenders would be opened immediately so that the work could begin.

Concerning dormitories, Wambua disclosed that boys were sleeping in the dining hall and called upon stakeholders in the education sector to support them and alleviate the problem.