Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has announced plans to construct a perimeter wall around Toi market in Kibra constituency following a suspected arson attack.

Speaking at a rally in Kibra on Saturday, he also said the County will work to ensure the revocation of fake titles following concerns over repeated market fires blamed on grabbers.

Further, he revealed that the county government has set aside Kes 100 million to help with the market's reconstruction and pledged decisive action to support its recovery.

The fire, which caused four deaths and substantial property damage, prompted Governor Sakaja to take immediate relief measures to supplement long-term reconstruction plans.

Sakaja announced a donation of 5,000 iron sheets to aid affected traders and a three-month waiver on daily market charges to help traders recover from their losses.

“Due to the fire loss, I have directed that you will not pay daily charges for three months to recover from the loss.”
Construction of the perimeter wall and the market will begin immediately, beginning what Sakaja called a journey back to normalcy.