Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o has reshuffled Chief Officers in Kisumu County to improve service delivery.

The reshuffle affected various critical departments, with some officers being reassigned to new roles while others were promoted or retained in their positions.

According to a statement by the County boss, the reshuffle will strengthen governance and drive better outcomes for the residents of Kisumu.

In the changes, Paul Waweru, the Chief Finance Officer, has been reassigned to oversee the Lake Front Development Corporation, a vital portfolio for Kisumu's economic and environmental sustainability.

Benter Omollo, who was responsible for Public Service, County Administration, and Participatory Development, was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Kisumu Revenue Board.

Additionally, Fredrick Osewe now heads the Energy Department after previously managing Education, Technical, Innovation, and Social Services, and Timothy Nyakwamba, who has taken over Trade, Tourism, Industry, and Marketing, a department crucial to Kisumu's tourism development and economic growth.

Nyong'o says Daniel Okia's appointment to lead the Agriculture department is expected to boost Kisumu’s agricultural output and address food security challenges. Dr. Lusi Ojwang's retention in Medical Services, Public Health, and Sanitation ensures continuity in the critical sector of healthcare delivery.