Former Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has claimed that he was the one who advised President William Ruto to include Opposition leaders in his government. Kuria explained that his suggestion stemmed from his analysis, which indicated potential trouble if the opposition was excluded. Despite no longer being in government, Kuria expressed pride that the President took his advice, insisting that it was what the country needed.

"For clarity, the idea of inviting the opposition into government was largely mine, well before Gen Z. I foresaw potential challenges and discussed with the President the need to reform our politics by thinking outside the box," Kuria said during an interview on Citizen TV. "Whether I'm in the Cabinet or not, I'm proud that the President made this decision because it’s what the country needed."

His comments came in response to a question about whether he still communicates with President Ruto after the Cabinet reshuffle. Kuria confirmed that they still talk frequently. He also mentioned that he had engaged in discussions with members of the Opposition to convince them of the benefits of joining the government.

After dismissing his entire Cabinet, President Ruto appointed at least five new Cabinet Secretaries from the Opposition party, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), to form what he called a broad-based government. Ruto emphasized that his goal is to unite the country. During the swearing-in ceremony last week, Ruto stated that this broad-based cabinet would help unlock Kenya's full potential.

"The formation of this broad-based government, which unites former political rivals into a selfless patriotic team, will unlock the potential of our country that has long been stifled by factional and sectarian competition," Ruto said. "While competition is essential, there comes a time when the nation's interests surpass those of any political formation. This is why I reached across the aisle to bring in the knowledge, expertise, and experience of deserving Kenyans, even those from different political backgrounds."