ODM Party leader Raila Odinga disclosed that former President Uhuru Kenyatta encouraged him to initiate discussions with President William Ruto to foster national unity.

During a press briefing on Tuesday, Odinga defended the move to form a broad-based government with President Ruto and appeared to attribute the decision to Uhuru amid accusations of betrayal from Kenyans.

PHOTO | COURTESY ODM leader Raila Odinga

Odinga refuted claims of a “handshake” between himself and the current president, emphasizing that the collaboration with government leaders was solely for the nation's unity. He stated that Uhuru had advised him to reconcile with his political rival, especially after weeks of violent anti-government protests, to prevent further bloodshed.

"When the country was in turmoil, Uhuru called and urged me to reach out to Ruto for dialogue; we can’t afford to let the nation burn," Odinga remarked. "So William approached me, and we talked. As you know, I am straightforward. The media is publishing stories about a Raila-Ruto Handshake, but there is no such thing."

PHOTO | COURTESY ODM leader Raila Odinga

These statements came after Odinga revealed that President Ruto had initiated contact for dialogue, resulting in four ODM members being appointed Cabinet Secretaries. In response to criticism from Kenyans about engaging in dialogue, Odinga also mentioned that Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka urged him to converse with Ruto.