The Senate is set to hear charges against Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza in the Senate Chamber on Monday, August 19th, and Tuesday, August 20th.

Senate Speaker Amason Kingi formalized the proceedings after he issued a gazette notice as stipulated in the standing orders.

Further, the House will consider the report on the approval hearings of Inspector-General of the National Police Service Douglas Kanja Kirocho following his vetting.

On Thursday, the Joint Committee of the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Administration and Internal Security and the Senate Standing Committee on National Security, Defence, and Foreign Relations concluded the vetting and retreated for report writing.

“AND THAT pursuant to standing order 30 (1), as read together with standing order 1 of the Senate Standing Orders, on the request of the Senate Majority Leader and with the support of the requisite number of Senators, I have appointed Monday, 19th August, 2024, and Tuesday, 20th August, 2024, as days for special sittings of the Senate,” Kingi stated.

In a vote, the Senate opted to consider the impeachment grounds through plenary rather than a special committee, with five out of the 11 proposed senators voting against the committee approach.

The Governor is facing accusations of gross violation of the Constitution of Kenya, gross violation of various national and county laws and abuse of office which are equivalent to the charges she faced in the two previous occasions in which the Senate dismissed the impeachment motions.