Governor Johnson Sakaja has announced that when schools reopen for the third term, Nairobi County will have a central kitchen in each of the seventeen sub-counties.

Speaking in Nairobi on Sunday, he said increasing the kitchens for the Dishi Na County school feeding program follows the completion of seven new kitchens set for launch ahead of school reopening on August 26.

He said the County is projecting to reach over 310,000 students, enhancing its efforts to ensure no child in Nairobi goes to school hungry.

 Governor Sakaja emphasized the importance of collaborative governance and highlighted the crucial role of an apolitical approach to development in fostering inclusivity.

“Our success in Nairobi has been driven by a united government that includes leaders from the opposition, who hold the majority of MCAs,” he said.

Similarly, the County boss welcomed President William Ruto’s efforts to involve more leaders across the political spectrum in the national government.

Governor Sakaja assured Nairobi residents of his unwavering commitment to fulfilling his promises.

“We are dedicated to delivering on our pledges, and initiatives like the school feeding program are just the beginning,” he stated.

As the county prepares to roll out the new kitchens, parents and educators alike hope that this initiative will positively impact student performance and overall well-being.