Two children aged 4 and 7 died on Wednesday evening when the wall of a roofless abandoned house fell on them in Lela village in Bondo Sub County.

Collins Obunga Oduor (7) and Trevor Morgan Ochieng (4) died while they were playing next to the dilapidated semi-permanent abandoned house whose wall collapsed on them.

Confirming the incident, Siaya County police commandant Cleti Kimaiyo said East Yimbo location chief Mr. Patrick Ochola reported the matter.

Cleti disclosed that when police officers from Got Matar police post and DCI officers from Bondo visited the scene, they established that the two children died on the spot after sustaining fatal injuries on their chests, heads and broken limbs.

Further explained that the abandoned house's walls were weak after strong winds had blown off the roof.

He said the two bodies were removed to Bondo Sub County hospital mortuary for post-mortem and preservation as investigations into the incident continue.