Bungoma Law Courts has sentenced six people, among them two Ugandan nationals, to 15 years imprisonment for the robbery of Kes 2 million with violence.

According to a statement by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) on Friday, the six, Milton Makuma, John Wakwale, Brian Ochieng, Dennis Andoli, Emmanuel Watiti, and Patrick Omia, are said to have robbed Michael Gacheche and killed him outside the Keringet Hotel in Bungoma town on June 8, 2020.

Further, the ODPP revealed that the robbers, who during the arrest were seven, shot the victim and escaped with the amount.

The ODPP said two of the suspects have since escaped while in custody. One of them, Dennis Andoli, was later re-arrested, but his accomplice, John Wanyonyi Wamalwa, is still at large.

“The court heard that the six attacked and shot dead the victim who was inside his car and fled with Kes 2,005,000 on a standby motorcycle.”

“Initially, all seven suspects were arrested but two escaped while in police custody at Bungoma Police station, however, Dennis Andoli was rearrested while attempting to cross the Kenya - Uganda border with John Wanyonyi Wamalwa still at large to date.”

Appearing before Bungoma Law Courts Principal Magistrate Tom Orlando, the six were found guilty, convicted, and slapped with the sentence.

The court ruled that the prosecution led by Ayekha Shakwila had proved the case beyond reasonable doubt through the testimonies of 18 witnesses.