The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has summoned Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmus Baraza over a Kes 2 million bribe he solicited from a businesswoman.

EACC says it is alleged that the MP solicited and received the money from the businesswoman, a contractor, who promised to influence the award of Government tenders to her.

The Commission revealed that upon receiving the money, the MP cut off communication and had allegedly been evading her since December 2023 when he received the money.

According to preliminary investigations, the MP met the contractor at Tiwi Restaurant in Karen, where he allegedly boasted of his influence in the road sector as the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Roads Committee.

EACC Chief Executive Officer Twalib Mbarak stated that reports suggest that Baraza assured the complainant that he could help her secure multiple multi-million shilling road tenders if she agreed to pay him the Kes 2 million.

“He requested Kes 2 million from the complainant as a sign of commitment and readiness to receive the tenders, and provided the account number where the money was to be deposited. This amount was deposited in Didmus Baraza’s Cooperative Bank account held at the Karen branch,” he said.

Baraza had informed the complainant that he had been allocated several road projects in his Kimilili Constituency by the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA) and suggested she partner with him in the construction.

The roads in question include the Kamukuywa Market-Musembe Primary School Road, Kitayi Primary to Sitabicha Bridge Road, Machinjoni Junction to Maeni Market Joining Kapsokwony Road, and Maeni Dispensary to Nasioya Friends Church Junction.

However, it has since emerged that the tenders for these road constructions were never planned, according to information disclosed by KeRRA.

“Subsequently, the complainant visited KeRRA Headquarters at Barabara Plaza and was informed that none of the road construction tenders promised by Hon. Didmus Baraza existed or were ever advertised.”

The Commission initially summoned Baraza for an interview and to record a statement on August 14, 2024. However, he failed to honor the summons.

Mbarak warned that if Baraza fails to appear on Tuesday, the Commission will invoke enforcement powers under the relevant provisions of the law to compel his appearance.