Two children aged 4 to 5 years died on Thursday night after a fire broke out at a residential block in Umoja 3 estate, Nairobi, around 9 pm.

Witnesses say the fire began in one of the houses and quickly spread to neighboring units.

The children were reportedly alone in their home when the blaze erupted, and rescuers were unable to reach them in time.

The fire left dozens of residents homeless as their homes and belongings were destroyed.

Additionally, several shops and other businesses in the affected buildings were damaged.

This comes a few days after two children died after a fire engulfed the house they were staying at the Heni Dispensary staff quarters in Nyandarua County.

According to police, preliminary investigations show that a nurse had left her children, aged six and four, alone in the house to buy milk.

 She found the whole house on fire on returning.

“Police officers visited the scene and it was established that the fire started at around 1950hrs and had razed all the first floor of the staff quarters made of wooden floor,” read a police report.

The fire was put out by a fire brigade from Naivasha, and the bodies were retrieved from the scene.